Blitzz Help Center

Testing changes in your sandbox (Enterprise plan only)

Blitzz Enterprise plan provides two instances: a customer-facing production instance and a development instance known as the sandbox. Use the sandbox to test, learn, and make mistakes before making your changes public. For example, you can use the sandbox to test and fine-tune new collaboration profiles and branding without affecting your customers. You can create a new sandbox anytime you want, but you can only have one at a time.

How sandbox works

The sandbox environment provides you with a brand new environment to start from scratch. The sandbox does not replicate the following items:

  • Existing users
  • Existing customizations and collaboration profiles
  • ShowMe data
  • Media (Images, recordings, etc)
  • Security settings (including SSO)
  • API tokens
  • Apps and integrations
  • Branding

To switch between sandbox and production environment, navigate to Settings () > Switch Domain

Creating a sandbox

To create a sandbox environment, please contact us our support team or your account rep.

The sandbox URL is generally the URL of your domain + "-dev". For Eg, if your domain is, your sandbox will be

Usage Limitations and Pricing

The Sandbox is provisioned with 10 free session credits for testing per month by default after which an overage will be charged and invoiced at the end of the billing cycle (which is every month) - this needs to be paid using a credit card. Please visit the billing tab to view the cost and current usage of your credits.

SLA and Compliance

Please note that the Sandbox or Beta environments are not covered under the standard contract, SLA, and other Compliance requirements like GDPR, HIPAA, etc. For this reason, we recommend using this for testing only and not in production.

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