Blitzz Help Center
Please ensure you are on an HIPAA compliant plan. If you have quesitons, our sales team can help you.

We designed and built Blitzz to support the workflow of healthcare providers, and that includes following all necessary rules and regulations associated with HIPAA.

Covered Entities using our platform are compliant with HIPAA, because Blitzz:

  • does not permanently store Protected Health Information. (Refer to our data redaction policy)
  • operates according to the Privacy and Security Rules.
  • conducts risk analysis and management. 
  • has disaster preparation plans in place.
  • has a Privacy and Security officer.
  • utilizes an IDS (Intrusion Detection System) to monitor our infrastructure; Intrusion attempts are immediately blocked.
  • actively employs file integrity monitoring, log monitoring, root checks, and process monitoring across our infrastructure.
  • automatically encrypts data at rest using full volume encryption and 256-bit AES encryption keys
  • conducts regular penetration testing using both internal and third-party testers.
  • signs a Business Associates Agreement.

Be sure to check with your legal counsel if you have specific questions regarding your compliance responsibilities with HIPAA. 

For any other non-legal-specific questions about Blitzz, reach out to our support team, and we'll be able to help.

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